Saturday, August 7, 2010

Villa D'Este - Part II

As promised, I follow up on the visit to the Villa d'Este, from yesterday afternoon. I wanted to gather together some of the best pics and short videos I took of the villa and the town of Tivoli to accompany this entry. I think the images will speak for themselves to give you an idea of the beauty of this place. Elisa said that next time we have to try the last villa, Villa Gregoriana, to complete the series of beautiful locations to around this town.

In the video you will also notice the Fountain of the Organ, where the power of the moved air by the many fountains in the villa is channeled to the pipes of the organ to play a series of music pieces from the Renaissance. OK: the melodies are no music hits by our standards, but they do hold a bit of amusement knowing the technology dates back to the 1600s. 

The other pictures show the beauty of the town of Tivoli. I have often reflected on how it has been very easy for me this time to take thousands of pictures (literally) with very few people around. Almost every town I have visited allowed me to take shots of corners and piazze with barely any living thing in them. I love these cartolina shots, like postcards, and one day or another I will put them together in a serious looking book.

Three days left, and most likely no more internet connection after tonight. I do plan to give a final couple of entries to this blog. I will probably get back to it during long cold days in Edmonton...who knows. For now everything here is still hot and sunny.

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