Thursday, August 5, 2010

Last Week

Here we are at the last stretch of days before we get back to our world in Canada. Things continue to move along, with new plans and plans to adjust to new schedules still working out without a glitch.
The heat is back in Rome, even at night, so sleeping is not as easy, but considering that back in Edmonton we may not have that much sun to shine on us, we are bathing in this light and heat with great delight. I have to admit that I am already beginning to miss the walks in Rome, especially with Nick, discovering new little places, stores and niches of this beautiful city that is so wonderful in its craziness.
Anyhow, we did one more walk early in the morning, and found out how nice places can be when there are not construction sites going on or renovation projects in place. I added some of the pics to the show (close to 500 pics by now) and a small video of "piccioni" bathing in a Bernini fountain by Pantheon. It is amazing how these beauties of architecture and art in general are so commonly used by birds, animals in general and tourists along, almost without a thought. These phenomenal masterpieces stand in the middle of the day and it is easy to pass them by without reflecting on all the work that has gone into making them what they are and what they mean. I hope that these lines will help me remember how it felt to take pictures of them and feel closer to the message of the artists (yes, I do get a bit nostalgic at times!)

In the late evening we met with Paolo and Sandro and Agnese, and their beautiful families. We feel that Daniele, Luca, Marco and Stefano may have actually mastered their fear of dogs, after all the playing around with Zoe as well as the fearless Cesare (the family head cat).

Marco, Michele, Luca e Zoe
We opted out for a home made meal, with some additions brought by the guests. Agnese made two delicious cakes and we bought an enormous "cocomero" which weighed more than 45 pounds. Between the food, the open space in Paolo's "casale" the lovely company of a couple of cats and an easily scared bug black dog, and nice weather (on top of some fresh fried mosquitos "a la carte"), we spent a fantastic time together, one that will be added to the good memories of our kids and us in general.
Daniele e Michele

We are off for a birthday party later today as some of the bags are already packed for the trip back. We squeeze work in between the lazy hours of the day and suck up all the energy left from this vacation break, so that we will be back re-energized for the new work season.  I know it will feel weird to actually be back after so long. It always takes a couple of days to be Canadian again... But we will manage. The stories to tell and anecdotes are many this time, and not only for mom and dad. Michele and Marco have added so many friends to their space lists online.

Oh: I forgot to mention that we have begun hand picking some of the souvenirs we hope to share with our friends once we are back (just to make sure zia Maria does not worry too much!) :)

1 comment:

Maria Donnelly said...

Very nice Val. Sounds like you all have had such a wonderful time. You should amalgamate all your blog entries and photos into a book, as it has been a pleasure to read. Look forward to your return. See you soon.