Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Saturday with Zio Luca

The heat is finally here. Everywhere in Italy in fact. And we picked the hottest first day of summer to go for a walk in downtown Rome with the goal of watching the changing of the guard at Quirinal, the equivalent of the White House for the Italian government.    All was well, as we started the afternoon with a big meal at nonna's house and the a brief nap. Then we headed out in search a panama hat for zio Luca (Simona already had hers), a nice pair of Dolce and Gabbana underwear for Michele, walking through Fontana di Trevi and the up to the hill. I am too tired today to actually post the video of the changing of the guard, but I will do later and I am sure you will enjoy the tradition.

We were too tired to eat for dinner, especially after too much ice-cream and too much heat. The combination is lethal. Time to take it easy and plan to rest (or at least trying).

I thought of daddy that we hear daily and our friends and family - I am sure the new pics will show how hot it is here...

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