Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day Thirteen - The Giulias in My LIfe

One with a "J" and one with a "G". One twelve and one almost one. One of Italian origin and one Italian through and through. One my god-daughter and one the daughter of a best friend. Both curious girls, wanting to discover the world around them. One on her way to Junior High and one just leaving for a month by the beach...Julia and Giulia are cute girls in my life, that remind me how nice it is to be surrounded by girls with their affection, beautiful smiles and gentle presence...

My best friend in elementary school's name was Giulia Di Stefano. I lost contact with her once in junior high, but I still remember the name which is now evidently important for my future. It is nice to have Giulias still around. :)

I know my god-daughter will soon want to come back to Rome for another summer adventure. In the meantime I know she reads these lines often and waits for news from her cousins and zia.  It was hot today, the temperature even reached 38 degrees at a point in the middle of Rome traffic. Oh! Rome traffic!  What a symbol of this Italian eternal city that I will never miss in my whole life!  I drove a lot today and I am glad we made it back home safe. It is a jungle out there...literally!

The kids went to Arcinazzo and Michele is ready to share some new games he learned at camp with his friends in LIT at the YMCA when back in Edmonton.  He is already in bed - cannot stand the long days of too much fun....Marco will soon follow. We continue to enjoy everyday in this heat, sunshine, good friends and good company. Another culture and different ways of living but all worth exploring.

1 comment:

Maria Donnelly said...

This is a beautiful post Val. How did I miss this post? June 30th? It's July 9th, well the 10th, as I'm writing this after midnight. The "Giulia's".....a beautiful name and so meaningful. Julia will be touched when she reads this. Happy 16th Anniversary. Nick was over for dinner this evening. I think he really misses you and was thinking about that beautiful day 16 years ago.