You are a very lucky girl indeed. Your birthday was a celebration of love, family and friends, surrounded by a palpable air of affection, attention to detail, 'coccole' and a great deal of hope for the future. You are born into a family of many cousins and friends that will take care of you all your life.
Sure there were gifts at your party: many in fact. But what was most amazing was to see how much everyone cared that your special day, the first of a long series was truly a memorable one. This zia from Canada took only a few of the million pictures that everyone was clicking away last night, and these will stay in our little family history that we build as every day goes by. I know I will be looking back at these in a few years and remember your special first birthday, feeling happy I was there to celebrate it with you, your family and your special mom, Stefania.
Zia Valeria
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